9931 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 | 505-294-2403


Become a Vision 21 member

You can become a Vision 21 member by donating $21 monthly to help finance our ministry. ​As a member, you will be able to listen to or download the very powerful book of Revelation sermons and others edifying and interesting messages that will be made available to Vision 21 members. Become a Vision 21 Member.

Downloads & CD Library - Coming Soon!

This library contains series of messages on specific topics that you can listen to and download. The donation for each download is $3.00. Click on the links below to listen, download, or order messages on CDs from the library.

  1. How to find Mr. and Mrs. Right Series
  2. The Secrets of Successful Wives Series
  3. The Secrets of Successful Husbands Series
  4. Making the Most of Your Youth Series
  5. Effective Money Management Series
  6. Effectiveness in Prayer Series
  7. Nehemiah Series
  8. Philippians Series
  9. Ecclesiastes
  10. Praise & Worship
  11. Spiritual Gifts
  12. Revelation