9931 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 | 505-294-2403

Pastor’s Post: September 17, 2023

Satan is only powerful in a believer's life to the extent that you allow him to be powerful! Therefore, when Satan is having his way with you--it is because you are not walking in ALL of the victory over him that Jesus gave you when you asked Him to come into your heart and take control of your life! So remember that Christ's victory over Satan is also a believer's victory over Satan! This is not questionable! We just have to claim or activate it through effective prayer and how we feel, behave, and think about who we are as a Christian. (Tools for Effective Prayer, pp. 277-281, C. Washington)

(Genesis 32:22-29; Ephesians 1:18-22; 2:6; Colossians 2:10, 15; 2 Peter 1:3-4)

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